There are less than six weeks until the release of The Lost Legends. SIX! That blows my mind… It is still hard to believe this is all happening. I have always loved books, but I never imagined I would one day be an author myself.
All right, update time. I HAVE A MAP!! I am so, so excited. Having a map in my book feels like I have reached ultimate author goals. I was that kid who loved looking at maps in the beginning of books, even before I could read, so this is exciting for me. And it’s so pretty! It really brings this world I’ve created to life.
I also put a sneak peek of the first three chapter in my Facebook group! Link at the bottom of the page.
Everything is getting so real. I am working on final edits and will be sending out ARCs in the next week. This book has evolved and grown so much since it first started. I’m really proud of what it has become. Not going to lie, I didn’t know I had it in me to write a big fantasy trilogy like this with all the world building and foreshadowing. I love it.
Pre-order on Amazon here! There will be a paperback option on Amazon in March as well! Don’t forget to add it on Goodreads here!

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