Hello, hello! Happy New Year!
You know, there is a reason I call this an adventure… The past week is why.
First of all, I got book 1 in The Nihryst series back from the editor. That’s right, The Nihryst is now the title of the series, which brings me to my first announcement: Book 1 is now The Lost Legends. A lot of consideration went into this, and I think it’s the best choice. Not only is it easier for people to say (because apparently Nihryst is difficult or something… ha!), but it will be easier to search for and it gives a better idea of what the story is about.
Which brings me back to editing. Fun fact: I opened my edits and immediately got a migraine. True story. My editor did such an amazing, thorough job. She gave me a lot to consider. So, in the coming weeks, I’ll be going through and fixing it all up, then I will format it and get it sent out to ARC readers. I am aiming to get the ARC out in the beginning of February, but we’ll see.
If you would like to receive an ARC to review, please fill out this form.
Also, I realized a couple days ago that I forgot to get someone to make a map. How does one forget such an important piece of a book?! Yeah, I have no idea, but it happened. I am now on the search to get that taken care of because it is pretty vital to the story with all the islands and kingdoms and traveling.
On a positive note, I did get a cover for The Last Summer, a YA contemporary romance I’m aiming to release in June! I also found an editor who is interested! I am super excited. I haven’t talked about my contemporary books as much because I wasn’t quite sure when they were happening, but it is looking like this one at least is possible as long as I get it written in the next month and a half or so.
I got a cover for my fae duology as well! There isn’t a plan for these books to be released any time soon. I just saw the perfect cover and couldn’t resist.
Speaking of covers…

The cover is being edited for the new title, but it should be done in time to still do the reveal on the 15th!
If you would like to participate in the cover reveal (Jan. 15) and/or the blog tour (Mar. 16-22), please fill out this form.
With the cover reveal will come pre-order information, including how to get a signed paperback. Plus, details on a pre-order incentive and giveaway.
One of the biggest struggles I’m facing is finding the time to work on my own stuff. I freelance edit, run Functionally Fictional, hold several positions with Coffee House Writers, and am part of the indie staff at YA Books Central. Plus, I am starting my master’s at the end of the month, which I am reconsidering, but that’s a whole other story for another time. I am terribly behind on reviews, and I can’t find the time to work on my books because I’m always reading/editing others. So, my goal for the year is to make sure I have “me” time, even if it’s just 30 minutes each day, and write.
Like I said, it’s an adventure. Writing and self-publishing is full of ups and downs. I dove head first into this field, but I’m learning as I go!
Want to get all these details early, as well as exclusive teasers, sneak peeks, and more? Be sure to join my Facebook group: Cait’s Inner Circle.
