
Ephemera: Life Lessons Learned
Every story has a lesson...
People constantly learn throughout their lives. It creates history. It defines the future.
Is the grass greener on the other side? Do the ends justify the means?
Eleven authors have come together to bring you tales of adventure and romance, loss and gain, family, friends, and everything in between. From arranged marriages to dates in haunted houses to androids infused with human memories. Fairy tales, dystopians, apocalyptic worlds.
...Every lesson has a story.

Meet Me at Midnight
Dive deep into your imagination and immerse yourself in the wondrous world of midnight!
Meet Me At Midnight is an anthology of tales from 36 authors that revolve around the bewitching hour, where magic, mystery, and untold possibilities converge. Presented in a variety of genres, including fantasy, comedy, mystery, contemporary, romance, paranormal, and thriller, this anthology invites you to explore the enigmatic realm that unfolds when the clock strikes twelve.
But be warned.
These stories—some whimsical, some romantic, and some downright creepy—will keep you up dreaming long after the world falls asleep.

Fun Size: A Sample Anthology
Do you have eclectic taste? Bored with the same recommendations about what to read next? Then the Fun Size Anthology is the perfect choice for your next read. Find the answer to what you’ve been looking for in this collection of short stories to get new ideas of what to add to your TBR pile.
Who doesn’t love the timeless battle between good versus evil? That age-old fight takes many shapes, and they’re all included within the pages of this anthology, ranging from outlaw bikers to angels & demons. Millionaire philanthropists who fight evil to fairy tale characters. FBI agents on the hunt for a notorious serial killer to dragons and sorcerers. Thirsty for a new spin on vampires? Enter the pages of this gateway of stories, and get to know some great authors and learn more about their worlds. Get your recommended daily bite-sized dose of goodness from these stories and more inside!